Tasty Gudeg of Indonesia

Gudeg is a traditional food made from young jackfruit that has been the most popular food in Yogyakarta. Gudeg becomes a main menu for those who visit Java Island. For many people, gudeg has only one style, but actually, there are three kinds, namely gudeg kering, gudeg basah, and gudeg manggar. 

Gudeg can be found in every place in Yogyakarta, but Wijilan and Barek are the most famous areas as Gudeg center. Wijilan is located not far from Keraton Yogyakarta (the Palace of Yogyakarta) and can be reached by becak (pedicab) or 10 minutes walking. Initiated by Bu Slamet who started to sell gudeg in 1946, now there are more than 17 gudeg restaurants in Wijilan. 
