My Best Experience at Maria Regina School

Hi! My name is Alexa and I will be talking about one of my BEST experience at Maria Regina School. 

In 17 November 2018, Maria Regina held an activity in Bandungan called Youth Camp. This is basically like a field trip but we are staying for 3 days. I personally loved camping and spending time with my friends, so this is the perfect time for me to be with them. 

A couple weeks before the Youth Camp, my teachers assigned our groups and we all gathered and discussed what are we going to cook for the event. My group decided that we are going to make 2 dishes which are chicken soup and bakso ( an Indonesian dish ). We then talk about who will bring the tools and who will buy the ingredients later on the event day. 

So the week passed and it's time for us to go to Bandungan to have our Youth Camp. I was so excited and nervous but mostly excited. My friends and I are singing and chatting on the bus, basically we are just having a good time. When we arrived, we felt so delighted to start the activities. We directly put our bags and rush to the field. We had more activities throughout the 3 days and little do we know it's time for us to go home.

After we putting our things to the bus, we go to a church near Bandungan and we had our lunch and thanked God for this wonderful time we had on our Youth Camp. We then go back to our homes and get some rest since it was so tiring but fun at the Youth Camp. 
